Halliburton delivers new imaging innovation to distinguish break systems 

HOUSTON - Halliburton delivered its PixStar High-Resolution Ultrasonic Imaging Service, another logging-while at the same time boring innovation that gives constant pictures of the borehole to assist administrators with distinguishing cracks, improve wellbore steadiness and advance finish structure. 

When boring with oil or water-based liquids, administrators must comprehend the area and recurrence of characteristic breaks to decide the supply's creation potential and precisely plan their cracking and fulfillment exercises. Since cracks are little scope structures, they are normally beneath the goal of seismic and customary well logs, making them hard to distinguish. 

The PixStar administration utilizes ultrasonic transducers that give high-goal pictures to uncover recently concealed crack systems or flaws, permitting administrators to settle on educated boring choices that decrease well time and increment creation potential. 

"We planned the PixStar administration to furnish administrators with more prominent wellbore inclusion in all mud types," said Lamar Duhon, VP of Sperry Drilling. "Picturing breaks, geographical highlights and borehole size and shape progressively upgrades supply comprehension to advance boring, cracking and culminations programs." 

An administrator in the Middle East as of late utilized the PixStar administration to assess an arrangement encountering critical boring liquid misfortunes. The high-goal pictures recognized an area with an enormous crack, which related to the misfortune zone, and various segments of borehole breakout. The pictures uncovered two zones with high break recurrence permitting the administrator to upgrade their fulfillment plan.

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